(Disclaimer - Post written by Sister Sandy from her point of view)
...as most of you know, my sister Amy went to interview with Anna Griffin about 10 days ago. It was scheduled for 1:30 and we expected to be waiting for Amy until 4:30ish...
However ~
We wanted to make sure we could find the location and thus arrived early at the offices - 12:20 - we had just parked and settle in when we watched Anna walk out of the building and get into her car.
Not 15 minutes later, Amy got a cell call from the art director asking if we were there, Anna had called her and said that she recognized Amy from her photo, so 'please come on in'.
If you're tracking time along with me, this happened at 12:38.
First, Dad and I drove west, out toward the water treatment plant (which he pronounced was not a good area to live in), through some type of railroad landscapes and something like quarry/stone processing... not too much retail therapy here! But we detoured into some assorted condo and apartment complexes, thinking that we could scout out the neighborhood. It so happened that all of the places we went to were gated and locked, so we were only able to do minimal drive-bys.
We spent 45 minutes doing this before we drove east toward the city.
Again, not too many commercial businesses, but we found some more apartments, which Dad did not like - I thought they were cool, a lot of aluminum and color, modern and different (artsy! ya know?).
Then we saw what we thought were promising properties on the left - a few small houses, a for sale sign, and we travelled to where we could turn in... at the county jail entrance sign! As we drove into the neighborhood, the houses were looking a bit rough. We did not stay too long in this area, we probably looked like out-of-towners, gawking out the windows, etc!
SO ~ it was back to the Anna Griffin place.
Okay... so now what? It is just 2:15... what to do?
I asked Dad if he would drive me back to the only shopping area - I saw a Goodwill sign and Kroger and I thought I might kill some time walking around there. The Goodwill was a donation site only - no window shopping at all. The Kroger was a little more interesting. I bought some cards that I needed and also some candy. Plus they had a cool candy bouquet in their floral department that I thought was perfect for my sister to create sometime in the future... mmmm, can she use that as a springboard for an idea and it's "legal"? I took a photo on my cell phone.
And then, we went back to AG's because Dad did not want to spend much time driving all afternoon and then have to drive back home that night... so no, Jane, I did not get to go to the Atlanta IKEA. :(
Back to the parking lot to sit, wait, read, eat my box of junior mints, read, wait, walk around, wait, stretch, wonder, think that it is taking way too long, wait, read, read more, walk up to the front door and peer inside, watch people start to go home from work, read (listen to Dad tell me that if I finish my book, Ames owes me a new one!), wait, wait, wait, wait...
F I N A L L Y !!! 5:13pm... Can you believe??
(Quick mathematicians, how much time was that?)
She calls and wants to know if we can come inside - so Dad and I go in to meet Anna Griffin and the art director. We quickly looked around and then Dad quickly wanted to get on the road. Yes, it was a long, long day. Just another adventure in the life of my sister, the aspiring scrapbooking creating art-loving musical-singing shopping-extraordinaire socializing-friend-loving sister.
I just want to go on record now - if Anna Griffin chooses NOT to hire my fabulously talented and creative sister - and they come out with a couple of specific products in the next two years (and if you want to know what they are, Amy can give you the details)... well, I would insist that they OWE Ames some money for the ideas that she shared with them! I mean, really - if you pick someone's brain, that would be only fair, right?